Join us in celebrating the one-year anniversary of our non-profit organization, the Seek the Positive Foundation! The foundation’s mission is to inspire, educate and unite humankind through service, charitable grants and awareness to causes focused on equality and personal development. Since its inception a year ago, the foundation has partnered with various causes and organizations that are making a difference in our communities and the world.
All of this could not be done without you. In fact, 1% of net proceeds from all Rastaclat sales are donated to the Seek the Positive Foundation. Below are a few of the organizations from the past year:
Most recently, we partnered with School on Wheels, an organization that provides educational opportunities for children experiencing hardships. Their services range from virtual tutoring, mentoring assistance in entering school and providing necessary school supplies. As a company, we banded together and filled 70+ backpacks full of essential school supplies along with notecards with words of encouragement and inspiration for their teen group.
October is Breast Cancer Prevention month, and the first initiative of the Seek the Positive Foundation was to continue our partnership with the Keep a Breast Foundation. The Foundation strives to take action for prevention and empower and educate people across the world about breast cancer.

We designed a collection revolving around the colors pink and white and donated $1 for every bracelet sold to the Keep a Breast Foundation. So far, we’ve been able to donate $100,000 to Keep a Breast and look forward to partnering with them in the years to come.
This student-led organization’s mission is to promote anti-racism and encourage a productive dialogue on race and identity among our student bodies through the inclusion of racially diverse, anti-racist texts in American schools. To help further this along, the organization created a petition within each state to address these issues with local school boards and administration to change resources and curriculum. Together with the Seek the Positive Foundation, we helped them reach 100,000 signatures on their petition.

We believe strongly in equality for all, regardless of race, gender, socioeconomic status, disability or identity. That’s why during the month of June, Rastaclat in partnership with the Seek The Positive Foundation donated $1 from each bracelet sold in our PRIDE Collection to the It Gets Better Project.
The It Gets Better Project is a non-profit organization whose mission is to uplift, empower and connect LGBTQ+ youth around the world. They inspire people to share their stories and remind the next generation of LGBTQ+ youth that hope is out there, and it will get better.
1% of net proceeds from all Rastaclat sales are donated to The Seek The Positive Foundation, so in turn we’re able to give back to you, our community. The Foundation’s mission is to inspire, educate and unite humankind, which is why we partnered with Skillshare, an online learning community, to give away 60 free annual scholarships throughout the year.

We look forward to many more partnerships in the future and hope to get you, our Clatlifers involved along the way!